Recap on summer 2022
This summer definitely has had his challenges as we started out the spring with super wet rainy day preventing us from getting into the fields to plant garden early sitting us back them up. But now is everything has been planted and really has started to begin our harvest season we've had an abundance of vegetables coming in.

Not only have we been busy on the farm with produce and vegetables, but we've also been raising free range butcher chickens, hogs, and beef. Our beef has now been at the locker and we will shortly be offering meat boxes. Our meat boxes will consist of solely beef or pork or a combination of beef and pork or a combination of beef pork and chicken. If this is something you're interested in please email us for prices.
Going to be on top again we've also had a very exciting summer with our goats! They started kidding in early June and ended up having some babies born on the 4th of July! But along with having babies in full milk, now that some of the babies have been leaned off of their mama's I have been milking several goats everyday. These three goats have given me about a gallon of milk a day which I have been freezing to make soap, lotions and have been giving to my dogs and farm cat as an extra little treat to their diets. It has been very fun milking these three goats as they know the order that they get milk and they wait very patiently for me to milk them. Watch for soap's and lotions to be added to the website.
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